Information on the processing of personal data for event participants

This Policy describes which of your personal information is collected by ENOXENTIA srl agricola (referred to in this policy as “we” or “Enoxentia srl”), for what purposes, and how it is processed.

Below you will find in detail the information we are required to provide to you pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (henceforth referred to simply as GDPR).

1. To whom this Notice applies

This Policy applies to all participants who register for and attend events organized by Enoxentia Ltd.

2. Data controller

The Data Controller of your data is ENOXENTIA srl agricola – P.IVA 02677380061, with registered office in Strada per Rosignano, 9 15039 Ozzano Monferrato (AL) – Italy.

3. Data processed, compulsoriness, purpose, legal basis

To ensure the proper management of your registration and participation in the events organized by Enoxentia srl, we process some of your personal data. Below we specify the data collected, whether it is compulsory to provide it, the purposes of processing, the legal basis on which the processing is based and the relevant storage period.

  1. In order to manage your registration and participation in the event, we process your personal and contact information, such as First Name, Last Name, Phone/Cell Phone, E-mail. Providing this data is necessary to complete your registration and participation in the event and failure to provide it will prevent your registration. The legal basis for the processing is Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR, with specific reference to the execution of the contract for the provision of the service.
  2. Per garantirti un’esperienza adeguata durante l’evento, trattiamo i dati relativi ad eventuali allergie, intolleranze o regimi alimentari particolari, qualora tu scelga di fornirceli. Il conferimento di tali dati è facoltativo e la loro mancata comunicazione non pregiudica la partecipazione all’evento. La base giuridica del trattamento è l’art. 9, par. 2, lett. a) del GDPR, in quanto il trattamento si basa sul tuo consenso esplicito. Tali dati saranno utilizzati esclusivamente per l’organizzazione del buffet o della degustazione e non saranno conservati oltre il termine dell’evento.
  3. To send you post-event follow-up communications, we may contact you even if you have not given consent to subscribe to our newsletter, for example to thank you for attending or send you other relevant information. The legal basis for this processing is Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR, with specific reference to our legitimate interest in managing relationships with participants and improving the event experience.
  4. Per l’iscrizione alla mailing list, previo rilascio del tuo consenso, tratteremo il tuo indirizzo e-mail al fine di iscriverti alle nostre newsletter e inviarti comunicazioni relative agli eventi, alle novità e alle offerte di Enoxentia srl e delle società appartenenti allo stesso gruppo. Il conferimento di questo dato è facoltativo e la sua mancata comunicazione non pregiudica la partecipazione all’evento. La base giuridica del trattamento è l’art. 6, par. 1, lett. a) del GDPR, ovvero il tuo consenso esplicito. Puoi revocare il consenso in qualsiasi momento, seguendo le indicazioni contenute nelle comunicazioni inviate o tramite uno dei canali indicati nel punto 8. “Come puoi esercitare i tuoi diritti”, fermo restando che la revoca non pregiudica il trattamento già effettuato.
  5. For the use of images and audio/photo/video footage taken during the event, subject to your consent, we may process your image for promotional and communication purposes, including through publication on Enoxentia srl websites, social media and information materials. The provision of this data is optional and failure to provide it will not affect your participation in the event. The legal basis for the processing is Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR, as the processing is based on your explicit consent. You can revoke your consent at any time through one of the channels indicated in section 8. “How you can exercise your rights,” it being understood that revocation does not affect the processing already carried out.
  6. To demonstrate the consents given for the use of images for promotional purposes and for newsletter subscription, your consent is recorded and confirmed through an automatic e-mail sent to the address you provided during registration. The provision of this data is optional and failure to provide it will not affect your participation in the event. The legal basis for the processing is Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR, relating to our legitimate interest in proving the consent given, in case of challenges or requests for revocation. The copy of this e-mail is retained for a period of 12 months to ensure traceability of consent.

Note: If when filling out the event registration form you did not give consent for the use of your images and do not wish to be filmed/photographed, you can report this to our staff upon arrival, who will make every effort to respect your request. If, subsequently, you find that you have been accidentally filmed and wish to have an image of yourself removed, you can send us a request through one of the channels indicated in Section 8. “How you can exercise your rights.”

4. Methods of collection and processing

Your data is provided directly by you and communicated by filling out the event registration form on the website

The personal data provided will be processed by our employees and collaborators, as authorized persons in charge of the processing, and may be disclosed to third parties exclusively for the purposes described in this policy.

Processing will take place in both paper and electronic format, in compliance with the provisions of Articles 6 and 32 of the GDPR, taking appropriate security measures to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the data.

Your personal data is stored on servers located within the European Union, managed by third party companies contracted and duly appointed as Data Processors.

5. Communication and dissemination of personal data

The personal data collected as part of the registration to events may be shared with the following entities, for the purposes indicated in this information:

  1. Technical service providers. We use third party services (email companies, platforms for collecting data through forms, CRM management platforms, computer security services) that they will only hold the personal data necessary to perform their functions and may use it only for the purpose of performing such services on our behalf or to comply with legal requirements.
  2. Judicial or administrative authorities. Where we believe that we must do so to comply with a court or authority order, or to comply with legal obligations or in order to provide us with judicial protection, or third parties, we may disclose your data to the Judicial Authority or an Administrative Authority of the State or the European Union.

I soggetti di cui al punto 1) operano in qualità di Responsabili del trattamento. Puoi chiederci i loro riferimenti contattandoci tramite uno dei canali indicati nel punto 8. “Come puoi esercitare i tuoi diritti”.

Personal data will not be disseminated or published, except in the case of images or photographic/video recordings for which specific consent has been given.

6. Automated decision-making

Your personal data will not be processed on the basis of automated decision-making.

7. What are your rights

According to Artt. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 of the GDPR, in addition to managing your personal data processing preferences as described above, you can contact us for:

  • to obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of personal data concerning you, even if not yet recorded, and their communication in an understandable form;
  • request access to your personal data, updating, rectification or integration of your data;
  • request the deletion, transformation into anonymous form and restriction of processing your data;
  • object, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of personal data concerning you, even if relevant to the purpose for which they were collected;
  • request the portability or copy of your data;
  • revoke your consent, at any time, to the processing of your data for the purpose of sending advertising or direct sales material or for the completion of market research or commercial communication (This will not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent given before revocation);
  • request the identification details of the controller, the responsible persons and the designated representative, as well as information about the subjects or categories of subjects authorised to process your data, the external processors and the persons in charge.

When you exercise your right of access, you also have the right to know:

  • whether your data is being processed;
  • what is the purpose of the processing and how;
  • what categories of data are processed;
  • what is the retention period of your data (or the criteria for determining the retention period);
  • whether automated processing using electronic tools is taking place (for example by profiling) and the rationale behind such processing;
  • the origin of the data (if it is not initially collected by us).

You also have the right to submit a complaint to the Authority for the Protection of Personal Data, using the appropriate form available on the website

8. How you can exercise your rights

You can exercise your rights at any time by sending a request to Enoxentia srl through the following channels:

  1. Registered mail with return receipt: Strada per Rosignano, 9 15039 Ozzano Monferrato (AL) – Italy
  2. E-mail:

When contacting us, please make sure to include your name and contact details (email, postal address and/or phone number, etc.) to ensure that your request can be handled properly.

Last updated: 2025-02-04